Commitment to teaching children
At St Anthony's we encourage curiosity and creativity, critical thinking and connect faith to life through HEAD, HEART and HANDS in innovative environments. These environments move and change with our students who are at the heart of everything that we do.
Our core curriculum is the Victorian Curriculum F-10. We design the pathways to ensure student success in our cultural and local context.
The Victorian Curriculum includes knowledge and skills defined as learning areas and capabilities. Through an Inquiry approach to applying this curriculum this ensures that knowledge and skills are transferrable across the whole curriculum. Through informed educational theory and research, we design learning for learners through this approach reaching a variety of areas areas such as history, civics and citizenship, science and technology.
The Victorian Curriculum F-10
Through a strategic approach to curriculum planning, linked to the Strategic Plan and the Annual Action Plan St Anthony's ensures that the shared vision is embedded. All educators, education support staff and community staff share a common understanding of the vision and the curriculum direction. Weekly Data dialogues and Data planning link student data with student needs. Student's needs are discussed every week and the School Data Plan and Assessment Scehdule ensures relevant assessment from F-6 and authentic teaching and learning.
All educators and education support staff have ongoing professional learning within a strong coaching and mentoring culture focused on continous professional development that provides all educators with the skills and understandings required for today's learning environments. A strong leadership team drives this commitment forward.
SANP Strategic Plan 2019-2021 Parent Placemat
Curriculum Opportunities
Specialist classes
St. Anthony’s graduating students attend
St John’s College, Dandenong
Nazareth College, Noble Park North
Killester College, Springvale
Sacred Heart Girls’ College, Oakleigh
Mazenod College, Mulgrave
Local secondary colleges
© St Anthony's School