Correct and complete School Uniform is an expectation for all students.
The purpose and value of St Anthony’s School Uniform is in the following statements:
It identifies the students of St Anthony’s School.
It is a cost effective method of dressing students Monday to Friday.
It provides an equality of clothing that does not distinguish between socio-economic groups.
It minimizes competition.
The wearing of correct school uniform prepares students for secondary school and the work force where a certain standard of dress is expected.
Monogrammed Royal Blue Polo Shirt (available from school)
Unisex Maroon Shorts (available from school)
Monogrammed Maroon Tracksuit Top or Bomber Jacket (available from school)
Short White Ankle or Knee High Socks (available from Department Stores)
Black Leather School Shoes (available from any shoe store)
Blue & White Check Dress (available from school)
School Hats- Compulsory in Terms 1 and 4 (available from school)
Monogrammed Royal Blue Long Sleeve Polo Shirt (available from school)
Monogrammed Maroon Tracksuit Top or Bomber Jacket (available from school)
Maroon Tracksuit (available from school)
Monogrammed Maroon Rain Jacket (compulsory – available from school)
White Socks (available from Department Stores)
Black Leather School Shoes (available from any shoe store)
If your child is not in school uniform an explanatory note should be sent to the class teacher. Any child out of uniform will be given an ‘Out of Uniform Notice’ to be taken home.
Please Note:
Nail polish is not permitted
Hair must be tied up if it is at or past shoulder length
Hair ties should be in the colour of the student’s hair or school colours (maroon or blue)
The school Uniform Shop is open every Monday (except public and school holidays) from 8.30am to 8.50am. Uniform Order Forms are available via this website or from the office. Your order along with the correct money may be left at the school office by the Friday so that it can be processed on the Monday. The order will be sent to your child’s classroom.