New families are invited to visit St Anthony's for a school tour. It is a wonderful opportunity to see our amazing school in action and ask questions.
Every person is welcome at St Anthony's. Before you enrol your child, please make sure you have visited our beautiful school. You are welcome to organise a personal school tour by contacting our friendly staff in our school office. (Call 95460044)
Enrolment forms are available to download below or by emailing admin@sanoblepark.
Please find the following information to download.
Enrolment Policy - Enrolment Procedures for MACS Schools
Enrolment Policy - Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct
Enrolment Policy - Student Code of Conduct
Student Acceleration and Retention Policy for MACS schools
School Fees 2021
It is compulsory for Catholic Schools to supplement Commonwealth and State Grants as part of the General Recurrent cost incurred in the running of the school. Hence it is necessary to have school fees and student fees as well as fund-raising efforts to raise money on the local level.
The fees are as follows:
Family fee |
$1,165.00 |
Capital fee |
$ 210.00 |
Student levy |
$ 275.00 |
Swimming |
$ 130.00 |
Camp Year 3/4 |
$ 30.00 |
Afterschool activities |
Camp Year5/6 |
$ 400.00 |
Destination will change from year to year. |
It is important to mention that no student will be excluded because of an inability to pay fees. In these cases a suitable fee structure will be negotiated with the Principal.
Melbournce Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) offers a Family Fee Assistance Scheme through funding to assist families to send their children to Catholic primary schools.
The scheme is available to families eligible for a means tested Health Care Card, Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card or Veteran Affairs Pensioner Card. This scheme reduces the cost of the Family Fee and Capital Fee for one child to approximately $785 per year. The Student Levy, Swimming Levy and Outdoor Education (camp) costs are then added to this to give a total fee amount for the year.
Catholic schools have always welcomed families of all financial means. We hope that this scheme will make sending your child to a Catholic school even more affordable.
Fee statements are issued each term. A 10% discount will be offered to families who pay their fees in full by March. For those who prefer to pay in installments fees can be paid in a number of ways either each week, fortnight, month, term or half-yearly. Families who choose to pay by installment need to set up a Direct Debit.
The costs of these fees are decided annually through consultation with the School Advisory Council as it is necessary to review and assess the inflation rate which in turn effects our local contribution. Every year the costs of running a school increase, power, water, gas and maintenance, staff salaries and the cost of living increase every year, therefore our fees need to increase every year.
School fees are set in accordance with MACS guidelines.
© St Anthony's School