Literacy Learning at St Anthony’s

Literacy Learning at St Anthony’s

At St Anthony’s school we believe that every learner flourishes through the explicit and effective teaching of literacy skills. We know learning about English and through English happens within every interaction during the school day. We know our students and how they learn and we differentiate our teaching to achieve proficient speakers, readers and writers. We believe that working with our families as partners greatly enhances the development of English in our students. We provide many opportunities for our students to interact orally, to read and write every day within a framework which involves whole group, small group and individual instruction. Students at St Anthony’s are encouraged to problem solve, self regulate and monitor their own learning in a collaborative setting.

We follow the Victorian curriculum and promote the use of a range of effective, evidence-based teaching practices throughout the school. We recognise that the development of oral language is a precursor to all learning and we ensure that it underpins all learning. At St Anthony’s leaders support our classroom teachers in their implementation of best-practice teaching through collaborative planning, teaching and coaching. We support every teacher to continually enhance their teaching through providing high quality professional learning.

Literacy learning is the foundation stone of all learning at St Anthony’s enabling active participation and enjoyment in every other learning situation throughout the day.  

© St Anthony's School