Learning spaces at St Anthony’s

Learning spaces at St Anthony’s - flexible = sociable, changeable, built for movement, interaction and small focused teaching

‘Learning diversity in Catholic schools is enacted through an inclusive pedagogy and a commitment to uphold the rights of all to be: welcomed, valued, acknowledged, and actively engaged in education.’ (HoH Diversity Foundation Statement CEM)

Our vision is to integrate life and the Catholic Faith through the inclusive and holistic development of students.

In partnership with the wider community, our students will strive for excellence and acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes that ensure lifelong learning, empowering them to contribute to the global community.

Because our students are immersed in a rapidly changeable, globalising world where scientific and technological growth dominate, we cannot keep educating our children according to past pedagogical models and methods.

‘As technology advances, we are challenged to collaborate with schools and lead new pedagogical models for learning and teaching, incorporating new technologies in the classroom and providing new learning spaces to meet the needs of students.’ (Horizons of Hope CEM)

At St Anthony’s in order for every person to flourish and be known, we are journeying to reimagine our learning environments and pedagogies so that critical thinking, personal and social learning, critical thinking, ethical understandings, creativity and initiative are the common dispositions across the school. Where purposeful data is the only data. Our student vision of high expectations means that our students know the purpose for their learning, what success and failure looks and feels like and how persistence, courage and grit can drive their learning forward.

Student led 3 way learning conversations are the most empowering way for our learners to articulate this to family and educators. Dojo as our family engagement, positive behaviours sharing tool and eportfolio tool also articulates learning into homes.

© St Anthony's School